How to Clean up Tree Leaves

A tree near your lawn or garden requires regular maintenance. It can leave a large blanket of leaves that block the sun’s nutrients and encourage undesirable fungi on the growth underneath. Although they are often raked and trashed, leaves are one of the best sources of nutrient-rich mulch for use in garden beds and as a general soil conditioner. Gather your tree leaves using one of the methods that coincide with how you will use the resulting pile.

Raking the Leaves

  • Rake the leaves together into a pile. Wear gardening gloves while you rake and gather the leaves. Raking the leaves while they are wet will enable you to keep them together better.
  • When the pile gets large, scoop the leaves into a leaf bag with the rake.
  • Pick up the remaining leaves by hand and place them in the bag for disposal.

Use a Leaf Blower

  • Turn on a leaf blower and use it to blow the leaves into your garden or underneath bushes to use as mulch.
  • Use only a layer or two inches of leaves. You may want to use a rake after you blow the leaves for more control over where they are placed.
  • Allow the leaves to decompose into the soil before adding another layer over them. This is usually done the following year.

Mulching with a Lawn Mower

  • Mow your lawn using a mulching mower. The lawn mower will chop the leaves while spreading them across the lawn. Your lawn will benefit from the nutrients provided by the decomposing leaves. You can also cut your grass using a mower with a bag collector attached to collect chopped leaves. The added grass clippings will enhance the nutritional value.
  • Turn a leaf blower to the mulching option, attach the catcher and use the blower to vacuum up and chop the leaves as an alternative to the mulching mower option.
  • Empty the chopped leaves or chopped leaves and grass into other areas of your yard, such as a flower garden bed. Chopped leaves break down faster.